World War II SS.912.A.6.1
You need to know the social, political, and economic causes of World War II.
You need to know the causes and consequences of World War II both domestically and internationally.
You need to know the significance of specific wartime events and actions both on the home front and on the progress of the war.
You need to know the role played by individuals in the war effort, including the involvement of women and minority groups in home front and overseas activities.
You need to know the role of technology in World War II and the political, economic, and social implications of the use of technology.
You need to know the long-term influences of the war on both domestic and international affairs.

Example One
The war crimes trials in Nuremberg and Tokyo following World War II established the concept that
A. nations could be made to pay for wartime damages
B. pardons should be granted to all accused war criminals
C. those convicted should be given shorter sentences than ordinary criminals
D. individuals could be held accountable for their actions in a war
Example Three
The policy of Cash and Carry, the Destroyers for Naval Bases Deal, and the Lend-Lease Act were all designed to
A. contribute to the success of the Axis powers
B. relieve unemployment caused by the Great Depression
C. guarantee a third term to President Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. aid the Allies without involving the U.S. in the war
Example Two
What was a primary goal of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin when they met at the Yalta Conference in 1945?
A. setting up postwar aid for Great Britain
B. sharing the development of atomic weapons
C. protecting the colonial empires of the warring nations
D. settling major wartime issues of the Allied powers

Additional Resources
Terms to know include, but are not limited to:
Atlantic Charter, Coral Sea, Final Solution, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Holocaust, home front, Japanese-American internment, Lend-Lease Act, loyalty review boards, loyalty review program, Mary McLeod Bethune, Midway, national security, Normandy, Nuremberg Trials, Pearl Harbor, Potsdam, Salerno, Tehran Conference, United Nations, V-E Day, V-J Day, Yalta Conference.