Roaring Twenties SS.912.A.5.3
You will need to be able to recognize that while the United States shaped isolationist political policies, it greatly expanded its economic ties to Europe and developed an industrial economy that conducted business in global markets.
You will need to know the extent to which United States economic foreign policy led to prosperity at home and abroad
Terms to know include, but are not limited to: anarchists, Communists, Dawes Plan, demobilization, disarmament, flappers, Fordney-McCumber Act, impact of climate and natural disasters, Jazz Age, Prohibition, Red Scare, Roaring Twenties, Sacco and Vanzetti, tariffs, Teapot Dome.

Example One
The 1920’s are sometimes called the "Roaring Twenties" because
a. foreign trade prospered after World War I
b. the United States assumed a leadership role in world affairs
c. political reforms made government more democratic
d. widespread social and economic change occurred

Example Two
Which events best support the image of the 1920’s as a decade of nativist sentiment?
a. the passage of the National Origins Act and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan
b. the Scopes trial and the passage of women’s suffrage
c. the Washington Naval Conference and the Kellogg-Briand Pact
d. the growth of the auto industry and the Teapot Dome Affair