Post WWII Domestic Prosperity SS.912.A.7.1
You will need to know how demobilization and government policies contributed to post–World War II prosperity.
You will need to know the social, political, and economic factors that contributed to post–World War II prosperity.
You will need to know the limitations of post–World War II prosperity by examining the social, political, ethnic, racial, and cultural groups that were unaffected during that period of prosperity.
You will need to know the long-term influence of post–World War II prosperity on society in the United States by considering both the positive and negative social, cultural, political, geographic, and economic effects on society.

Example One
Which development resulted from the construction of the interstate highway system?
a. increased suburbanization
b. reduced air pollution
c. decreased fuel consumption
d. growth of long-distance passenger train service
Example Two
The information below describes some key provisions of the 1944 GI Bill of Rights.
• Provided funds for education and training for veterans
• Provided home, farm, and business loans for veterans
• Provided unemployment compensation for veterans
Which sentence describes how post–World War II society was affected by the GI Bill of Rights?
A. Political participation became possible for a broader portion of society.
B. Economic success became available for a broader portion of society.
C. Farmers neglected to utilize agricultural technologies.
D. Businesses failed to develop innovative products.
Example Three
How did the post–World War II baby boom affect American society between 1945 and 1960?
a. It decreased the demand for housing.
b. It bankrupted the Social Security System.
c. It increased the need for educational resources.
d. It encouraged people to migrate to the Sun Belt.

Additional Resources
Terms to know include, but are not limited to:
baby boomers, birth rate, Equal Rights Amendment, GI Bill of Rights, Interstate Highway System, suburbs, women in the workforce.