Posted March,2014
Attention parents of juniors: On May most of our seniors class will take the PERT exam. This is a computer-based test in Reading, Writing, and/or Math aimed at measuring college readiness. Students mandated by the State to take this test are those who have not posted a college-ready score on the ACT, SAT, or CPT previously. For juniors, P.E.R.T. test scores will impact which courses each student will need to take during the student’s 12th grade year. If State mandated cut scores are not met, students must be enrolled in readiness or success courses, with no exemptions, including students who plan to enter the military or a job after graduation. This is a new policy legislated by the State of Florida. Letters were sent home the week of February 19 to the parents of the students who must take the test.
College ready scores are SAT Verbal 440, SAT Math 440 or ACT Reading 19 AND English 17, ACT Math 19. Any junior who does not have these scores must take the PERT. If you have any questions, please contact Charlie Negron, at charlie_negron@scps.k12.fl.us

ACT Information
The ACT® college readiness assessment is a curriculum- and standards-based educational and career planning tool that assesses students' academic readiness for college.
The ACT is the capstone of our College and Career Readiness System. The test uses the same score scale as ACT Explore and ACT Plan, making the system an effective tool to monitor academic progress and student growth.
P.E.R.T. Study Guide Info
Posted March,2014
There is a P.E.R.T. Study Guide available at http://www.fldoe.org/schools/pdf/PERT-StudentStudyGuide.pdf which we recommend your student review. Students should look for the locators so they will know if they are testing on Monday, March 4 or Tuesday, March 5. The locators are posted outside of the media center, the cafeteria and building 2. All students must bring a picture id on the morning of the test in order to be admitted to the testing room.
SAT Information
The SAT is the nation's most widely used college admission exam. Learn more about how the SAT can help you show colleges what you know.
The SAT and SAT Subject Tests are a suite of tools designed to assess your academic readiness for college. These exams provide a path to opportunities, financial support and scholarships, in a way that's fair to all students. The SAT and SAT Subject Tests keep pace with what colleges are looking for today, measuring the skills required for success in the 21st century.

EOC Resources
Extensive EOC Reviews for core courses
Escambia County School District EOC Reviews Page
Texas EOC Assessments
The EOC field-test schedule has been changed slightly in that the English III field test has been moved up by one year. English III will now be field-tested in 2010–2011 rather than 2011–2012.
Florida Department of Education
EOC Assessment