Civil Rights Movements SS.912.A.7.6
You will need to know the social, cultural, political, and economic significance of events or actions related to the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.
You will need to know the key organizations that shaped the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement and the goals and motivations of those organizations.
You will need to know the effectiveness of tactics used by organizations and individuals in shaping the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.
You will need to know the actions of individuals involved in the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.
You will need to know how other reform movements were influenced by the leadership, practices, and achievements of the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement.
Terms to know include, but are not limited to:
Black Panthers, Civil Rights Act (1964), Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Freedom Riders, March on Washington, Nation of Islam, National Urban
League, sit-ins, social activism, Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

Example One
Lunch counter sit-ins and the actions of freedom riders are examples of
a. steps taken in support of the Americans with Disabilities Act
b. programs dealing with affirmative action
c. violent acts by the Black Panthers
d. nonviolent attempts to oppose segregation
Example Three
Cesar Chavez created the United Farm Workers Organization Committee (UFWOC) in 1966 primarily to
a. secure voting rights for Mexican Americans
b. improve working conditions for migrant laborers
c. provide legal assistance to illegal aliens
d. increase farm income
Example Two
“Jackie Robinson Breaks Color Barrier in Major League Baseball”
“President Truman Issues Executive Order Desegregating Armed Forces”
“NAACP Challenges School Segregation”
These headlines are most closely associated with
a. a decline in African American participation in political activities
b. the beginning of the modern civil rights movement
c. Southern resistance to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
d. the effects of affirmative action programs