You will need to know the causes of the economic challenges faced by American
You will need to know the strategies used by farmers to address the economic
challenges of the late 1800s.

Example One
Until the early 20th century, few restrictions on immigration to the United States existed primarily because
A. industry needed an increasing supply of labor
B. immigration totals had always been relatively low
C. labor unions had always favored unrestricted immigration
D. the Supreme Court had ruled that Congress could not restrict immigration
Example Two
In the late 1800s, how did railroad monopolies create economic hardships for farmers?
A. By claiming productive land for business leaders to develop
B. By charging high prices to ship agricultural goods to market
C. By separating farmers from profitable markets in western cities
D. By isolating farmers from technological developments in eastern cities
Challenges to American Farmers SS.912.A.3.1
Terms to know include, but are not limited to: agricultural surplus, business monopolies, Cross of Gold, Farmers Alliance, government regulation of food and drugs, Grange, Granger laws, Homestead Act (1862), industrialization, Interstate Commerce Act (1887), populism, urbanization.
Example Three
In 1862, the Homestead Act and the Pacific Railway Act were passed primarily to
a. achieve Northern victory in the Civil War
b. develop the Midwest and western parts of the country
c, improve the lives of freed slaves
d. expand overseas markets to Asia and Europe