FSA, EOC Dates
April 4- Algebra I EOC
April 11-12 FSA Reading Grade 9
April 14-15 FSA Reading Grade 10
April 25-26 US History EOC
April 8-29 Algebra 2 EOC
May 2-3 Geometry EOC
May 5-6 Algebra 1 EOC
May 16-17 Biology EOC
AP Exams Schedule UPDATE 03/14/2018
Monday May 7th
8am- Chemistry (Comm. Room), Spanish Lit (6-121)
12 noon- Psychology (GYM)
Tuesday May 8th
8am- Spanish Language and Culture (Bldg 7 Lab)
8am- Seminar (Comm. Room)
12 noon- Art History, Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Wednesday May 9th
8am- English Literature and Composition (Gym)
12 noon-Physics 2: Algebra-Based (Comm. Room)
Thursday May 10th
8am - United States Government and Politics (GYM)
12noon- Environmental Science (Comm. Room)
Friday May 11th
8am - German Literature and Culture (Bldg 7 Lab)
8am- United State History (Comm. Room)
12noon- Computer Science (GYM)
3:00Pm Studio Art (online Submission)
Monday May 14th
8am Biology (GYM)
8am Music Theory (Band RM)
Tuesday May 15th
8am - Calculus AB, Calculus BC (GYM)
12noon- French Literature and Culture (Bldg 7 Lab)
12 noon- Computer Science A (Comm. Room)
Wednesday May 16th
8am - English Language and Composition (Gym)
12noon- Macroeconomics (Gym)
Thursday May 17th
8am- Comparative Government and Politics (Gym)
8am World History (Gym)
12noon- Statistics (Gym)
Friday May 18th
8am- Human Geography (Gym)
8am Microeconomics (Comm. Room)
12 noon- Latin, European History (Comm. Room)
Studio Art - Last day for Coordinators to submit digital portfolios (by 8PM EDT) and to gather 2-Design and drawing students for physical portfolio assembly. Teachers should have forward students' digital portfolios to coordinators before this date.
Please see our upcoming events:
Lake Brantley is offering Tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday 2:30- 4:30PM in the Media Center, for Algebra 1, English, Geometry, Biology and Spanish
Please call Darlene Gariepy at 407-746-3450 for more information regarding Testing
US History
The following students are eligible to participate in a US HISTORY EOC Assessment administration:
· Students who need to earn a passing score for a standard diploma with a scholar designation
· Students who wish to retake the assessment to improve their course grade.
· Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit
The following students are eligible to participate in a Biology 1 EOC Assessment administration:
· Students who need to earn a passing score for a standard diploma with a scholar designation
· Students who wish to retake the assessment to improve their course grade.
· Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit
The following students are eligible to participate in a Geometry EOC Assessment administration:
· Students who wish to retake the assessment to improve their course grade.
· Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit
Algebra I
The following students are eligible to participate in an Algebra 1 EOC Assessment administration:
· Students who need to earn a passing score for graduation purposes
· Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take the assessment to earn course credit
High School Testing Frequently Asked Questions
The information reflected in FAQs is current as of the publication date. This document will be edited as needed to reflect updates from the Florida Department of Education and changes to Florida statutes.
State Required Assessments - Florida Standards Assessments (FSA)
1. What are Florida Standards Assessments?
The Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) are designed to provide parents and families,
administrators, teachers, policy makers, and the general public with information regarding how well students are learning the Florida required curriculum standards associated with tested grade levels and courses. All districts are required to teach the Florida Standards; and per Florida Statute 1008.22, all districts are required to participate in state testing. Therefore all students enrolled in Seminole County Public schools participate in testing.
2. Who participates in the Florida Standards Assessments?
Are these tests administered on computer or paper/pencil? How long is each test?
For each state required assessment, the table below details the grade level of student
participants, the number of testing sessions required for each test, the length of each testing
session and the test delivery method (computer based or paper/pencil based). Notice that the Writing section of the FSA is administered separately from the Language Arts portion. A
student’s results on the Writing section and the Language Arts section will be combined into one score.

3. How are students prepared to take a computer based FSA-ELA?
Prior to administering each computer-based assessment, test administrators conduct a practice test that contains sample test items to prepare students for the item types, tools, and online interface they will encounter during testing. Parents are encouraged to visit the Students and Families section of the Florida Standards Assessment information portal to access additional test preparation materials. www.fsassessments.org
4. What type of questions are included in the FSA-ELA?
The Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) are composed of test items that include traditional multiple-choice items, items that require students to type or write a response, and technology-enhanced items (TEI). Technology-enhanced items are computer-delivered items that require students to interact with test content to select, construct, and/or support their answers. These question types assess students’ ability to think and problem solve at a high academic level in alignment with the expectations of the Florida Standards.
5. How can students and parents prepare for the FSA-ELA?
Students and parents can best prepare for the FSA by ensuring students are in class each and every day. Overall, students are working and studying very hard, asking questions in class and completing assignments. Parents are encouraged to stay involved in their child’s education by working with teachers and reviewing relevant websites and resources. It is important for all of us, parents, teachers, and staff, to encourage students to try their best, but to remember not to over‐emphasize the assessments and create stress, fear, or frustration.
6. On what specific days will the state required tests be administered?
The testing window begins on February 29th. Please see the 2015‐16 High School Assessment Schedule for the specific dates of the state required assessments. On the SCPS main web page www.scps.k12.fl.us, click on Departments, select Assessment and Accountability, click on Assessment Schedules located on the left hand side of the web page, and select 15-16 High School Assessment Schedule.