The FL-954 AFJROTC hosts a quarterly Blood Drive to collect and donate blood to those in need. To date, Lake Brantley AFJROTC blood drives have gathered over 11,346 units of blood. The Blood Drives run from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the last appointment at 1:15 p.m., and appointments are preferable but not necessary. Food is typically provided after blood donation as well as any emergency First Aid if needed. This event is a fantastic way for our unit to be involved with our community and to help save those in need.
Every Year FL-954 marches in the Lake Brantley Homecoming Parade holding the fifty state flags to represent the U.S. and its Armed Forces. The parade begins at 1:30 and ends at 2:20; it begins on the school grounds of Lake Brantley then goes down sand lake road to the nearby elementary school where young student watch and ends back at the Tom Storey field. All are welcome to come view the AFJROTC and our homecoming march.
Our AFJROTC annually host a Veterans Day Ceremony to honor the live of those who have served in all our armed forces and who have sacrificed themselves to give us the liberties we have today. The ceremony starts at 10:00 a.m and runs until approximately 10:30 a.m. Veterans are welcome to attend so we can honor their service to our country.