Chapter 5
5.1. Promotion Consideration:
5.1.1. Rank and Positions. All ranks/grades mentioned below and in this guide are cadet ranks (unless noted otherwise). Cadet rank authorization is described in the Unit Manning Document (UMD). (See Chapter 2).
5.1.2. Objectives. The cadet promotion system promotes cadets to permanent grades commensurate with the number of years of successful completion of AFJROTC, promotes cadets to temporary grades to fill cadet jobs, and promotes exceptional performers. The cadet job assignment system places cadets in leadership positions where they can demonstrate and refine their leadership skills. Promotions and assignments are based on the "whole-person" concept. This includes leadership performance, management, and excellence in academics, conduct, teamwork, cooperation, uniform wear/appearance, AFJROTC, school, and community involvement. Doing well in only one area is unacceptable.
5.1.3. Responsibilities. The SASI has final authority over all cadet promotion policy and actions. The incoming and outgoing cadet wing commanders may submit staff position recommendations to the SASI/ASIs.
5.2. Types of AFJROTC Cadet Rank. (See Photo of Ranks in Chapter 7).
5.2.1. Permanent Rank. All cadets are assigned a permanent rank (grade) commensurate with the number of AFJROTC years satisfactorily completed. Permanent ranks may be awarded during the second semester of each year. Retention of permanent grades is contingent upon satisfactory performance and behavior.
First year (AS-100) – Cadet Airman (E-2)* Promotion to Cadet Airman First Class (E-3) during the second semester
Second year – Cadet Senior Airman (E-4)
Third year – Cadet Staff Sergeant (E-5)
Fourth year – Cadet Tech Sergeant (E-6)
* Incoming cadets from the Teague Middle School ROTC program (in good standing) are awarded one stripe or one higher rank (C/Amn; E-2). Permanent officer rank may be awarded to cadets holding a position for two or more grading periods. This is SASI/ASI discretion.
5.2.2. Temporary Rank. Awarded with assignment to a position with a rank higher than the cadet’s permanent rank. May be awarded by the SASI/ASI to fill a vacancy within the cadet organization if it cannot be filled by a qualified cadet of sufficient rank. When no longer serving in a position requiring a temporary rank, the cadet will revert back to their permanent rank. For academic issues, cadet wing staff members must maintain passing grades of a "C" or better in the CORE SUBJECTS. If not, the cadet staff member will be placed on academic probation. The cadet will be required to submit a progress report until their grade improves. If the staff member raises their grades to expected standards, they will no longer be required to submit a progress report. If their grades do not improve, they will lose their temporary rank and be given Technical Sergeant (TSgt). Removal may also be considered. For performance issues, a cadet staff member must perform to the standards set forth in their job descriptions and in accordance with this guide and other policies and procedures. The cadet’s attitude, behavior, and performance will be monitored. If the cadet staff member fails to meet performance standards within 2 weeks, they will again be counseled. At that time, the cadet staff member will lose their temporary rank and be given the rank of TSgt. If necessary, the cadet may need to be replaced by another qualified cadet. With the approval of the SASI, cadets in their final term of AFJROTC may retain the highest rank to which they have been promoted, regardless of course level.
5.3. Promotion Cycles. Only cadets meeting requirements for promotion during a promotion cycle are eligible.
5.3.1. Airmen. Promotions to Airman (Amn), Airmen First Class (A1C), and Senior Airmen (SrA) are earned by testing, as determined by the course SASI/ASI, and IAW this guide and chapter. Cadet Airman. Nine weeks as a cadet Airman Basic; an 80% in Aerospace Science and Leadership; zero detentions in AFJROTC; 2 hours of AFJROTC community service/extra-curricular activities; 100% on rank identification sample test; perform facing movements properly; pledge, understand, and write the Cadet Honor Code, Mission, and Core Values. Cadet Airman First Class. Nine weeks as a Cadet Airman; an 80% in Aerospace Science and Leadership; zero detentions in AFJROTC; 4 hours of AFJROTC community service/extra-curricular activities; identify rank insignias; know the Chain of Command, know how to report properly; maintain at least a GPA of 2.0 in all courses. Cadet Senior Airman. Nine weeks as a Cadet Airman First Class; an 80% in Aerospace Science and Leadership; zero detentions in AFJROTC; 6 hours of AFJROTC community service/extra-curricular activities; Give proper facing and marching commands to another cadet; demonstrate appropriate reporting procedures; maintain at least a GPA of 2.0 in all courses.
5.3.2. Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs). Promotion to Staff Sergeant (SSgt) and Technical Sergeant (TSgt) is accomplished by review of cadet performance, by testing, as determined by the course SASI/ASI, and IAW this guide and chapter (refer to 5.8), and the following criteria. Cadet Staff Sergeant. One Semester as a Cadet Senior Airman; an 85% in Aerospace Science and Leadership; zero detentions in AFJROTC; 8 hours of AFJROTC community service/extra-curricular activities; Drill a flight properly with notes (sample of 30 commands of drill); maintain at least a GPA of 2.5 in all courses. Cadet Technical Sergeant. One Semester as a Cadet Staff Sergeant; an 86% in Aerospace Science and Leadership; zero detentions in AFJROTC; 10 hours of AFJROTC community service/extra-curricular activities; Perform open ranks inspection of a flight; maintain at least a GPA of 2.5 in all courses.
5.3.3. Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (SNCOs) Temporary rank promotions to the SNCO level are accomplished on the basis of Merit. There must be a recommendation by either the Cadet Wing Commander, and/or SASI/ASI; there will be a review by the Cadet Evaluation/Promotion Board; zero detentions in school; maintain an 85% average in AFJROTC and an overall 3.0 GPA; and demonstrate the ability to lead a group in the 30 commands of drill with no notes. There may be Cadet SNCO testing developed at the discretion of the SASI/ASI. Cadet Master Sergeant (C/MSgt/E-7). Reserved for NCOs that demonstrates exceptional leadership potential. Cadet Senior Master Sergeant (C/SMSgt/E-8). Reserved for Key Staff Senior NCOs. Cadet Chief Master Sergeant (C/CMSgt/E-9). Reserved for Key Staff Senior NCOs.
5.3.4. Officers. Must be a need, the individual must show the ability to be a cadet officer, and is based on Merit. There must be a recommendation by either the Cadet Wing Commander, and/or SASI/ASI; there will be a review by the Cadet Evaluation/Promotion Board; zero detentions in school; maintain an 80% average in AFJROTC and an overall 3.0 GPA; and demonstrate the ability to lead a group in the 30 commands of drill with no notes.
5.4. Performance Expectations. Promotion eligibility is based on a cadet’s good-standing, uniform inspection (did not miss a uniform wear during the quarter with an 80 percent or better on uniform inspections), a "C" or better in AFJROTC and passing all CORE subjects in school for current semester.
5.5. Below-the-Zone (BTZ). A limited number of permanent cadet promotions can be accelerated by ASI (with SASI approval) based on cadet performance and/or unique circumstances of the promotion recommendation.
5.6. Stripes for Exceptional Performance (STEP). Immediate promotions from Staff Sergeant to Master Sergeant for those cadets who are outstanding performers, but do not score well on promotion tests (if required) or selected for promotion eligible assignments. However, the SASI has wide latitude on when/how to use STEP promotions.
5.7. Transfer Cadets. Cadets transferring from other JROTC units will have their records reviewed to determine rank. Rank earned in another Junior ROTC program may be awarded to the transfer cadet upon proof of previously held rank, but is not automatic. Transferring officers should serve on or with the cadet staff to retain officer rank.
5.8. Promotion Testing. For someone to be promoted to SSgt or above there must be a vacancy or slot. Such vacancies are created when someone disenrolls or graduates, gets promoted, or assumes another position. Our program utilizes a system to select cadets and assess their skills, knowledge, and abilities in various areas. Promotion tests support and enhance cadet management in the promotion and assignment process.
5.8.1. Promotion testing is divided into two programs to cover different phases of the cadet life-cycle: Aptitude Testing: Includes all test items used to determine knowledge of corps and aerospace concepts. Proficiency Testing: Includes all test items used to identify skill and ability for next assignment level.
5.9. Demotions. A cadet’s failure to participate, undesirable character, unethical conduct or misconduct, an indifference to, lack of interest in, or inaptitude for "cadet training" may lead to an inability for the cadet to meet minimum standards of behavior and performance to continue with the current level of responsibility.
5.10. Approval Authority. All promotions, demotions, probations, transfers, and/or reassignments are recommended by the cadet staff and/or ASI, with recommendation of the advising and/or course ASI, with final approval by the SASI. All personnel actions in these matters can be reviewed and appealed to the next level in the cadet’s chain of command, with final approval or disapproval by the SASI.