LBHS Cadets
From the first year cadet to the Cadet Group Commander themselves, FL-954 prides itself on the diversity and range of cadets involved in our unit. We strive only for excellence in all we do.
Lake Brantley has had a AirForce JROTC detachment since July of 1995. We have been in service to our school, community, and nation for over 20 years.
Being apart of this unit has changed the lives of many cadets. From instilling morals and values to creating members of the next generation of world leaders, Lt. Col. Daugherty and Master Sergeant Jessee work very hard with all of our cadets to make sure we are producing mature, capable, and professional leaders for our community.
"Associate yourself with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." -George Washington